So this weekend I went to Stockton, Ca. For those of you who don't know, there is now a REALITY in Stockton that started today.
This trip was super gnarly. It was a huge boost in my faith. The Lord is so stinkin' awesome and moved so much in Stockton. I didn't get to experience the whole thing from Wednsday since we drove up on Friday, but what I did experience was incredible. On Saturday we went to a marina in Stockton and passed out flyers for the concert, and ended up talking to this guy and his son. We didn't talk to him about Jesus, but we talked to him about dreadlocks and other things. We didn't really think he would come to the concert, but he showed up with his son. (WHAT?!?!) Oh wait...it gets better. HE AND HIS SON GOT SAVED!!!!!!! Oh man it was seriously the coolest thing I have experienced. It was seriously amazing! The Lord is amazing!!!
I guess over the week over 70 people got saved. Shoot I think we would have been stoked if 1 person got saved but over 70??? What can I say it's the Lord. And He is good!!! All kinds of different people got saved...We went to this "Stockton Powwow," which was like an Indian gathering, to pass out flyers, (we got kicked out) but before that, Rizz and some other people started talking to a fully dressed indian, tomohawk and everything...Guess what! HE GOT SAVED TOO!!! Have I said that the Lord is good?
I really enjoyed fellowshipping with people I have never met before, even though they go to the same church as me. It was pretty sweet. I made some pretty cool friends, that I hope to get to know better! I had some awesome times with the Lord just reading and praying and worshipping. At the concert we danced with these sweet black girls who let me tell you, they are amazing dancers. All of them were saved except one, who gave her life to the Lord that night. (The Lord is good) They were soo cool because I can't really dance, and I was just skanking doing the same thing over and over, they were laughing at me but it's all good. They're gonna come visit Reality Carp.
I am so blessed to have been able to go to Stockton to do the Lord's work. For sure the Lord reigns in that city. Unfortunately so does stupid satan. So it would be super awesome if you guys would just continue to pray for the city of Stockton, and Reality Stockton. I made some pretty cool friends, that I hope to get to know better!
Super Sweet... I'm glad you got to go there and be part of all that!
... oh, and I posted the plate you sent me today, that's a great one!
the Lord is so GREAT and GOOD!
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